We are passionate about the word of God. We desire to take the study (and therefore the teaching) of scripture seriously.
-We need to commit to a personal study of the scriptures. We must spend time in the Word of God independently and we must encourage others to do the same. (2Timothy 3:16-17)
-We must come together and study the Word of God as a community. We are not meant to “go at it alone” in our walk. We have been communal beings ever since the garden… we are wired to learn together. (Proverbs 27:17 Romans 10:17)
If we are to change the culture of our community we must stand together. There are countless scriptures calling for God’s people to be united. Unity within our congregation is a must as we attempt to follow Jesus.
-We believe that no one has it 100% correct… not even us. Paul himself (Author of most of the New Testament) states “For we know in part and we prophesy in part”. We seek to create an environment that encourages discussion and learning. (1 Corinthians 13:9-12)
-Though we seek to learn together, we must start with a solid focus and foundation.
- Our Focus – Jesus. Without Jesus there can be no unity. (Ephesians 4:11-13)
- Our Foundation - The Bible… it is the foundation, because it is the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)
-So long as these two things are present we can experience unity, even if we disagree in other areas.
"In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things love."
We believe that God’s first and most important institution is the Family. We have seen the deterioration of the family over the years and seek to reaffirm its importance amongst the Church. We want to be a resource for strengthening the Family, not its replacement.
-we want to encourage and offer help to those raising children and building up the family as God has directed in His Word. (Proverbs 22:6)
-With an understanding that the deterioration did not occur over night, we understand that rebuilding it will take work. We seek to help others rebuild and heal damaged relationships with their own families. (James 5:16)
-For those who have no family due to the unfortunate circumstances of life we want to offer the open arms of a church family to fill in where needed. (Matthew 12:48-49)
We believe that much of current day Church life is focused on what we DO… instead of Who we ARE in Christ. We want to encourage a focus on the later. We truly encourage life change in the believer and that includes what we do and do not do… but until we are comfortable;
- BEING loved by God
- BEING saved by Jesus’ sacrifice
- BEING a Christian
Then any change to what we DO or do not DO is simply behavior modification rather than the result of a real relationship with our savior.
If that sounds like something you want to be a part of…
Welcome to Sozo, A Church you can call Home.